试试能不能打开英文,Yes, I can understand and respond in English. How may I assist you?
Sure, I can understand and respond in English. How may I assist you today?
The first message was in Simplified Chinese and the second message was a request to try switching to English.
The first message was "香椿种子能不能晒", which means "Can fragrant shiso seeds be sun-dried?" in Simplified Chinese.
The second message was "香椿种子在什么地方可以买到", which means "Where can I buy fragrant shiso seeds?" in Simplified Chinese.
The third message was "香椿种子怎么吃", which means "How to eat fragrant shiso seeds?" in Simplified Chinese.
The fourth message was "牛奶喝过能不能冻", which means "Can you freeze milk after drinking it?" in Simplified Chinese.
The fifth message was "牛奶冻怎么做", which means "How to make milk ice cream?" in Simplified Chinese.
The sixth message was "用纯牛奶做12种美食", which means "12 recipes to make with pure milk" in Simplified Chinese.
The seventh message was "牛奶喝过能不能冻", which means "Can you freeze milk after drinking it?" in Simplified Chinese.
The eighth message was "水温低能不能钓鱼", which means "Can you fish in cold water?" in Simplified Chinese.
The ninth message was "钓鱼看气压", which means "How does air pressure affect fishing?" in Simplified Chinese.
I hope that helps!